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About ffri

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  • Device
    iPhone 4
  • Version
    iOS 6.x
  • Jailbreak

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  1. Solve the sudden exit problem of the game v3.v4 We are bored Please
  2. Solve the sudden exit problem of the game v3.v4 We are bored Please Solve the sudden exit problem of the game v3.v4 We are bored Please
  3. Solve the sudden exit problem of the game v3.v4 We are bored Please Solve the sudden exit problem of the game v3.v4 We are bored Please
  4. we need to give a new hack for version 0.13.5. it is impossible to play v3 or v4 because the game expels us every 15 minutes !!! @Cz1993
  5. Best removal dlg Is the cause ban Edit the copy of the slide Like 0.000005 1
  6. NO BAN'v2 Pubg Mobile
