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  1. Like
    dsong90 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Now uploading the new version of the pubg   
    Now uploading the new version of the pubg
  2. Thanks
    dsong90 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, We are still working on the new version of the PUBG hack, stay tunned.   
    We are still working on the new version of the PUBG hack, stay tunned.
  3. Like
    dsong90 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Building a server which can prevent the certificate getting revoked.    
    Building a server which can prevent the certificate getting revoked. 
  4. Thanks
    dsong90 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Trying to find a way to prevent certificates get revoked the next time people install   
    Trying to find a way to prevent certificates get revoked the next time people install a games 
  5. Haha
    dsong90 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Currently every dev like tweakbox and appvalley is having the same issue, we will fix   
    Currently every dev like tweakbox and appvalley is having the same issue, we will fix this ASAP.
  6. Haha
    dsong90 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, omg...   
  7. Thanks
    dsong90 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Hope apple not revoke the certificate again, in 2-3 hours all link will be restored.   
    Hope apple not revoke the certificate again, in 2-3 hours all link will be restored.
  8. Thanks
    dsong90 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Now we are starting to resign all games!   
    Now we are starting to resign all games!
  9. Haha
    dsong90 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, oh fk.. today 4 certificate were revoked..   
    oh fk.. today 4 certificate were revoked..