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Everything posted by Ivioo

  1. Yeah , mine was stuck with packaging and I tried it again but it said I already installed it . Weird
  2. its been almost two hours and its still extracting packaging ? any suggestions on what to do
  3. why is it taking a long time to extract packing in the impactor to my phone?
  4. It says I need to enroll in Apple Developer program . How’d you do it
  5. https://drive.google.com/file/d/19fjyStFmHAhkICmBBFeuOkqDBMHX-nvm/view?usp=drivesdk
  6. How come everytime I try to put my Apple ID intfo into the impactor it always says wrong password even though I typed it in right ?
  7. If it means cannot connect to iOS.vip that means everyone trying to download at the same time?