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About singhsaabdigreat

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    iPhone 7 Plus
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    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak
  1. It’s very simple...just enable airplane mode every 3 mins in the match. You have to keep airplane mode on for 3-4 seconds and then disable it. Worked like a charm with V2 of this hack
  2. @Cz1993 I was playing fine with V2 since morning until you disabled the code and I was forced to update to this V4 version. With V2 I played 2 matches and got data change twice and then I switched to using it with airplane mode every circle. Was working fine for 17 matches I played with 20+ kills every match. Now the problem: this V4 with the stability check doesn’t let me airplane mode as it crashes the game as soon as you do airplane on this version. So I got the same thing again...data change before the end of second circle can you please disable this extra stability check which actually does nothing so we can play with doing airplane mode every circle
  3. As in doing airplane mode right before the circle ends. Do it for 3 seconds and then it reconnects
  4. I am still using V2 and doing the airplane mode I played 12 matches with antennas, no grass, speed and magic bullet. No ban. Got 18-20 kills in all the matches. Without doing airplane mode I got banned 2 times. First one was 10 mins and second was 2 hours.
  5. Do you see in there that your proxy is not on. You have to enable vpn and manual proxy to use this
  6. Played 2 matches and got data change in both right when the 3rd circle is about to start. Keep in mind I am using it on new account so bronze 4. Which means most if not all of the enemies are bots. So highly unlikely that I got reported. Going to try airplane mode method once more and see if that makes any difference. Will report back about my findings
  7. I think X-ray only version should be removed as it causes people to shoot at walls, rocks, trees etc which makes enemies know that these guys are seeing through things and ultimately get reported. Seems pointless to me to have this version when you can put the minor grass codes to make it perfect.
  8. Can’t even tell you how happy it makes me to read sensible comments on here :) common sense has gone missing in its entirety
  9. Every time there is need to update the anitban...people come out with this idea that only CZ’s hack that was detected..and it must be due to DLG button....wake up your sleeping brains and think like normal human beings...it’s not just this hack that was detected...it is everything out there.....for Android it is quicker to get the updated hacks since it is a open system...for iOS it takes time.. this banning cycle has nothing to do with CZ or his anti ban....it is just something which needs to be updated from time to time....so if you are using this hack....you will eventually get banned.....if you never wanna be banned....just stop hacking..!!
  10. Just to let you know...it worked fine for continuous games..I made it to crown 4 using this. So that 3 min WiFi turn off was not needed anymore.. the hack itself worked flawlessly. i believe ten cent updated the banning mechanism so it just needs a update of the antiban probably
  11. This is getting detected now just got data change after playing 15 matches seems like mass ban wave going on now
  12. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    Does anyone know if this actually works
  13. @Cz1993 getting that 10 mins ban after 15 mins into the match ...can you check this earlier on you somehow fixed a similar problem where everyone was getting a ban towards last few circles at the moment it is getting very annoying to play with this hack as there is 10 mins ban every match