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Everything posted by Georocks

  1. Kalo lu mau ini gw ada pubg emulator hack dan script bypass emulator detector. Kill gw sampe 26 wkwkwk
  2. I bought vip and I can not download vips apps

    Dude, maybe you are new here. We all svip/vip members get the same problem. We have revoke certificate issue since 5 days ago. Every time @Cz1993fix the file, apple revoke it. He try to build a server to prevent getting revoked start from yesterday. To get news about the progress its better for you to follow @Cz1993profile.
  3. New release coming soon, I am ready to uninstall this Plants vs Zombie ???
  4. Org nya mmg bgt dr kmrin kmntarnya suka mnyudutkan org lain. Ngntot mmg. Lu jg kepancing sm dia.
  5. Diberi tambahan durasi vip sesuai lamanya kendala revoke. Hitung aja dari awal kena revoke, sdh mau 5 hari...
  6. Maybe you are DiDA, waiting Cz to upload ipa file so you can copy his method? In your dream, bro ??? Cheers ?✌?