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Everything posted by Georocks

  1. Got 2 accs ban for 2 months using vpn and last circle method. Becareful guys, danger ahead!!
  2. Got 2 accs ban for 2 months using vpn and last circle method. Becareful guys, still danger!!
  3. Its working fine two days ago. I think this hack or proxy detected by tencent... hold your fire, guys! Haha
  4. I play safe, I use only no recoil and slider. I kill 3 or 4 every match. But I got banned 2 months! Haha
  5. I tried many times to install (direct and sideload), its not working . . . @Cz1993
  6. I use my main acc, tier ace, got banned 1 hour in lobby. I dont even play and use any dlg code.
  7. Waiting for my licence... I bought VIP member only for this game. Why no respond?
  8. Hi bro, I need the licence link of pubg. I sent you PM. Please, I want to play! Respon quickly!