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  1. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to tomdack89 for a status update, I need to install the license file pubg  pls sent me and sent me code activation   
    I need to install the license file pubg 
    pls sent me
    and sent me code activation
  2. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to toni919 for a status update, come trovare il codice s di attivazione pubg   
    come trovare il codice s di attivazione pubg
  3. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, updating all servers now, maybe will causing some disconnections.   
    updating all servers now, maybe will causing some disconnections.
  4. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Happy new year to everyone! Today its the last day of 2018, hope you all enjoy to sta   
    Happy new year to everyone! Today its the last day of 2018, hope you all enjoy to stay here!
  5. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to Mooyoung for a status update, Cz could you please check your inbox. Just wonder code should expires 31 december at   
    Cz could you please check your inbox. Just wonder code should expires 31 december at 3:46 pm but today 30 the code already expires.  
  6. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, every site and hacks are using these dlg codes, not safe now! use it carefully!   
    every site and hacks are using these dlg codes, not safe now! use it carefully!
  7. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, rip direct install..  working on it now..   
    rip direct install..  working on it now..
  8. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to Not2833 for a status update,  Help ? Code not valid...  please again information ) IP  and code and Installed new   
     Help ?
    Code not valid... 
    please again information ) IP  and code and Installed new PUBGvpn my friends ;)
  9. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to honqt for a status update, Please help me my code finish  give me new code plz   
    Please help me my code finish 
    give me new code plz
  10. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to J3lackspider for a status update, active in this conversation (including you)   
    active in this conversation (including you)
  11. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to hamto1431111 for a status update, I send to u message   
    I send to u message
  12. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, all games direct install fixed!   
    all games direct install fixed!
  13. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to Abod12 for a status update, When will download update Hack pubg? @Cz1993   
    When will download update Hack pubg? @Cz1993
  14. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to moayad90 for a status update, hello i need the license and the proxy and port for pubg   
    hello i need the license and the proxy and port for pubg
  15. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to 413351351 for a status update, E01B3054-993E-4D9D-8F06-DD52EAF055E7 请老大绑定,谢谢   
  16. Thanks
    Aliahmad13 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, all vip game direct install fixed!   
    all vip game direct install fixed!
  17. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, LDOE, AOV and PUBG its already fixed, other games will fixed later!   
    LDOE, AOV and PUBG its already fixed, other games will fixed later!
  18. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to sajid999 for a status update, Hi this morning my pubg game dont open it was asking to verify from profile..then i d   
    Hi this morning my pubg game dont open it was asking to verify from profile..then i delete game and now i cant install it from direct link..and if i install through third party app then it says my pubg code is not correct.can you help me
  19. Like
    Aliahmad13 reacted to Salman999 for a status update, صباح الخير مطوله اللعبه    
    صباح الخير مطوله اللعبه