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Everything posted by nh0k3x01


    Why not fix the game HIT for us?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nh0k3x01


      the language barrier. I did not give a command, maybe google translated wrong. Game has been defective for 2 weeks, I have reported the administrator many times but still not resolved.

    3. LexusYapp


      Okay, I guess we have to be patient sometimes because there are tons of update need to be made which might cause a delay in the update for certain game .

    4. Primo


      @nh0k3x01Yo, still, whatever the problem is it’s no place to complain/request ect. Also it’s not because you reported it that it will be fixed. We are aware of the problem, continuously asking for a fix won’t accelerate process. ✌?

  2. Looking forward to fixing the game does not install HIT, so we can continue to play games, thank you very much !!!!
  3. HIT game can not install boss, boss edit milk help me, please !!!