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Everything posted by Gokturk

  1. @Cz1993Could you please update the game to current version that is 1.70? Thank you very much in advance :)
  2. May there be happiness the whole year through Happy New Year
  3. Hope your New Year is filled with success, health, prosperity and happiness. Happy New Year
  4. Great, I hope it’ll be me who gets one month free VIP
  5. Hi @cz1993 

    Is there any possibility to have The Walking Dead No Man's Land hack free for non jailbroken please?

    I'd like to get a VIP membership to contribute your great works but paypal doesn't exist in Turkey where I live anymore.

    Either I need this hack free or get a different type of payment method.

    Could you help me please?

    Thank you in advance.

  6. Hi,

    Sorry if I bother you but I'd like to tell you that I admire your work. 

    Could it be possible for you to have a look at this hack request I shared today please.


  7. Request App

    It's strange. It should've worked with the new modified ipa file. Sorry mate I can't be able to help you further on this matter
  8. Request App

    Download 7-zip http://www.7-zip.org/download.html Open ipa file with it and find info.plist. Double click and open it. Find the line <key>MinimumOSVersion</key> <string>8.0</string> change the value to 8.0 or 9.0 close the tab it wil ask save changes inside the archive say yes et voila. Your modified ipa file is ready to install