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Everything posted by Drzflow17

  1. All you need is safari plus tweak, and make sure you have appsync unifoed and when it downloads in safari open it with filza and install, easy as thay no need for impactor
  2. When i try putting a code in to remove grass, when i start the search the game crashes, any reason possible reason for this?
  3. Chico no leiste que el hack lo estaban detetando, por eso desativo el codigo, espera la mejora del hack, o metete para que te banen
  4. İmportant Topic! Pubg Mobile 0.11.5

    Testing 123
  5. @Cz1993can you pin down your comments when you fix the issue please, is hard going back to all this replies to see what is going on, thanks
  6. What codes are you using? Everytime i put a code my game crashes, all i want is the antena
  7. The momment we all being waiting for, ill wait for the reports first haha
  8. No ban!(DLG) PUBG MOBİLE

  9. I saw this a fee minutes ago, and saw that got delete, probably is coming soon (New post with the new version hack) https://imgur.com/a/aeOOo40
  10. Pubg Mobile Reduce the risk of banning!

  11. Thats why it says on big bold letter dont buy vip for just 1 hack, you obviously do it just for pubg but you are advice
  12. I just wanna say, thanks to all those fallen soldiers that got banned and posted it here, thanks to them my account is safe and i can still play on my main account by stop using the hack and be a normal player, thank you all
  13. If they not detecting it now what will make them detected while doing the crew challenge? Is the same game, we are not being supervised i doubt we get detected
  14. Testing Or just use double cut if you jailbroken from cydia.
  15. No ban!(DLG) PUBG MOBİLE

  16. I was just using the standing antena DLG code, and now everytime i search the game crash, any solutions for that? I re install the game and still the same