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Everything posted by wesleyfei

  1. Yes I know, I think I can use the vpn you suggested to change the Canada ip for playing this game. Thanks bro
  2. Will this game released to non jailbreak svip? thanks @Cz1993
  3. 1E28405B-D191-4C95-B0F7-C414F225C667 please ,thanks bro @Cz1993
  4. 1E28405B-D191-4C95-B0F7-C414F225C667 please help, thanks bro @Cz1993
  5. I am not agree to your opinion. Vip means that the vip member can enjoy all the games hack that posted in the area for vip only. This pubg is only one of the game that posted in vip area. As Cz and Primo said before, all member who bought vip is not only for pubg, it is for the games in vip area. So, if you just for pubg, sorry, please do not buy vip just only for pubg. Second, all the hacked games have a risk of ban, it is a very comment knowledge. Cz said before that using the hack have a risk of ban. If you afraid, don’t use it.
  6. 非人學園

    Use this page to get the requested game info or the request its not valid. https://iOSGG.com/app Hk App Store link: https://apps.apple.com/hk/app/非人學園-日系漫畫風moba手遊/id1443453767 Features: - map hack - - Jailbreak or Non-Jailbreak: no jailbreak Thanks! @Cz1993
  7. 非人學園

    I think to make map hack on this game is more easier than other moba game, thanks @Cz1993