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  1. Trivia Crack v2.46 +1

  2. Non-VIP PUBG Disconnection Issue

  3. Non-VIP PUBG Disconnection Issue

    Hello! Alright thanks anyway. Hopefully we can find someone who can!
  4. Non-VIP PUBG Disconnection Issue

    Hello Everyone, I was really hoping that this issue would be fixed through an update or something like that but I guess it’s time I ask. When you first download the Non-VIP version of the PUBG, both CE and non-CE it installs the short update than allows you to create your character. You than go to the menu start a game and last for about 15 seconds. After this 15 seconds you are booted to the login screen where it states you must use the App Store version of the game and how it can result in a ban and blah blah blah. After this the only thing you can do is install the App Store variant to play. I am just really hoping that someone has the same issue I am currently experiencing and that I can get some information. Is this just something on my end? Is this something with the current patch? Is this something everyone is experiencing? Any answers to these questions would be great and any help in getting some knowledge on the current state of the hack and what’s going on with it. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully respond. It’s always appreciated. :)