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About Yosedra

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  • Device
    iPhone 7 Plus
  • Version
    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak
  1. Hay , I sitll waiting to know if any further updates will have the purchase in it ?
  2. Hay , I was wondering if this hack update will soon have an in app-purchase or not ? And thanks for the hard work guys ???
  3. Why I should have rrs to build ?? Its should be free build right??
  4. I know it’s still new update, but why I can’t delete any item?
  5. Hay, sorry for that ,but how to download the update form tweakbox
  6. Well the game need to be updated, and the hack version still not out , how much should we wait? The one with no-Jailbreak
  7. Okay , thanks for let me know , also keep the hard work ??
  8. The in-app purchases didn’t work ? How to solve this problem , please
  9. Oh ! That how . So if that fixed why I can’t buy any thing ? Form in-app purchases