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About EhizOjie

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    iPhone 6
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    iOS 11
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  1. Comment on the game hack thread you want to be activated on and wait 2-3 minutes then restart the game?
  2. Restart the game and enjoy because you are activated already?
  3. Last Day On Earth unlimited coin

    Yeah I do thanks
  4. You will be greeted with a restore button to update your progress
  5. Try getting items like fuel from the shop using coin, then your coin will increase instead of decrease
  6. Did you craft an unreleased item? Because it always get stuck when you craft an unreleased items or due to low internet provider service. Bonjour heureux de vous rencontrer
  7. Comment on the game thread you want and then wait few minutes before restarting the game and signin the hack, and enjoy the game ???
  8. Just go to the home page and you will see the chat box there