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Everything posted by Primo

  1. It does work, you need to use all your donuts then buy something that requires some. Normally you should get a huge amount... ✌?
  2. Garena Contra: Return

    Precise it on the request...
  3. First of all as said in the thread, finish the tutorial first then download the hack to avoid crashes. Also this hack should be used as a « plus », better be using it when you really need it only. ?? Also it’s rare to get busted but never know. ✌?
  4. Depends on wether you use it carelessly or not. ☺️
  5. If you need help a lot of persons are here to do so, Cz has a lot more to do. What’s the error you’re facing? ☺️
  6. I took care of your report. @Cz1993 is already aware of the situation. Thanks for feed back, but I’ll also ask you to be a bit more considerate next time. Thanks again. ✌?
  7. Be patient. It just got updated. Yeah well ??‍♂️
  8. Uninstall and reinstall from the first page of this thread. ✌?
  9. Glad for you, the thing being that we only have one person working on all the hacks. As you guess it’s not easy. ✌?
  10. The features are written on the first page, nothing less nothing more. The hack is to be use carefully or else you’ll get caught and banned. ??
  11. google account cant verify in app

    Look into spambox and unwanted mails. ??