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Everything posted by Primo

  1. Acting petty won’t lead you far. Just be careful. What you mean f*** (inappropriate word) terrorist?
  2. As I said, he’s trying to help to most of y’all first. He can’t do both at the same time unfortunately so he does that first. As I said also if it doesn’t work he will find another solution to help. ☺️??
  3. I don’t play it and I didn’t try so I can’t really tell but normally if the certificate gets revoked, install with impactor won’t change a thing. ? But you can try tho there’s no risk to try. ☺️??
  4. Why should we buy Svip?

    As we said multiple times, we don’t really care if you buy Vip or not. Also you must understand that there’s only one person working on hacks so updating all of them isn’t easy. Even if Staff answer to questions about updates only Cz knows if a game will be updated or not. We’re not trying to convince you to buy Vip, we’re trying to explain y’all that if you buy it you will have to be patient. ☺️??
  5. Why should we buy Svip?

    They have not been updated since a long time because there weren’t that much users I think. People went to play Pubg a lot and left the others pretty fast so there’s no use to update games if there’s not much players I guess. I think that’s why. We’ll check that and see if there’s others possibilities and if there’s more players than expected it will be updated for sure. ✌?
  6. As there’s more direct Download users Cz tries to find a solution to fix it. Also not everyone can use cydia impactor because it requires a laptop. So please consider that he’s trying to help the most. ??☺️
  7. Why should we buy Svip?

    Which ones exactly ?
  8. Tweakbox often gets revoked but they have a team to get it back quicker, first of all. Cz is alone to work on it and we said it multiple times already. Second « thousands of dollars a day » ? like.... come on man you really think he would work his a** (inappropriate word) off here if he had that much money on 1 day basis...? Also as written in the rules promoting others sources is against the rules, don’t do it again or I’ll have to give you according punishment. ✌?
  9. Actually the certificates get revoked by Apple so updates needs to wait a bit. ??
  10. Cz1993 is pretty busy generally don’t tag him to ask something that you can find easily please. ??
  11. You can’t, you have to restart the game from 0 if you want to play again. ?? Yes it does. You have to do some manipulation for some features but it does work. ??
  12. Help

    The game just got updated. Just wait for the new update. ??
  13. If you don’t want to get a warning point please, be careful with the language. ✌?
  14. Yeah maybe, still have to buy Vip tho. ? Yep, wait for next update for better safety. ????