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Everything posted by Primo

  1. I talk with everyone with respect, If you don’t feel like it doesn’t mean that what you say is true. Now I warned you. There won’t be a second time.
  2. Don’t worry with the respect lol there’s no problem. What I’m saying is not to renew Vip or not. It’s to think before buying it. Tencent is a big organization and so they won’t let cheaters be easily. Here there’s only one person working on the hack. They have a team... so if you aren’t able to understand that it takes time and there might be complications sometimes, don’t buy it. Here’s my point. I can’t explain it better than that and if you disagree there’s no problem. ✌??
  3. Don’t be too friendly with me. I answer question and talk to people with respect. If you don’t I will give you warning points. ✌?
  4. Pubg was free when I arrived here, he made it Vip only because even when it was free people were unhappy. Now he putted it in Vip section and added a warning so people would think a little bit before buying. Seems like it didn’t work for a lot apparently.
  5. I say it because Cz himself says it. ??‍♂️ Of course what you say is right it’s easy to spit facts. But Cz doesn’t bother only for money, that’s important to know. ???
  6. If you say that it just mean that you don’t know what’s going on with the game at the moment. However don’t buy Vip only for Pubg. Also if you want to see his comments, check his status.
  7. When he will finish what he’s doing he will surely update it. ??
  8. Then don’t play.. you’re not forced to. But at least now you know the real owner of the game. ✌?
  9. Crazy, people don’t realize how hard it is to make a hack from a game like Pubg. Of course there’s a lot of bugs and it requires multiple updates. That’s why Cz warned not to buy Vip just for Pubg. Now if you don’t understand that then just don’t... If you’re willing to be patient then no problem but don’t complain otherwise. Of course there would be problems with a hack like that and whoever expected something else was foolish. ??‍♂️

    1. ThunderBuddy420


      Ignorance*, pay and get. Is what most people expect. But don’t understand. Technically is always rapidly evolving. Once you think you have it figured out it throws a curve ball. That’s what I love about it. The challenge. But the challenge is not for the faint of heart. Keep it up team. ✌️

  10. We said multiple times not to buy Vip only for Pubg. We warned that this game requires to be patient. If you’re not, don’t buy Vip, we said it. If you didn’t see it it’s not our fault. Also he often update his status. ✌? Lol Svip didn’t even exist like 5 months ago... what you talking about...
  11. He doesn’t care if you don’t buy Vip he said it multiple times. Don’t buy Vip only for Pubg, you’ve been warned... Also we never give dates because there’s none to give, as simple as that. ??‍♂️✌? Do it then. ?? Don’t buy Vip then, we said it often. ✌?
  12. It happens often, but here someone snitched the server to Apple which means it will get revoked until this user stop his doing. Or when Cz will finish his new server. ?? Check his status, he makes updates here.
  13. We said multiple times that if you are not happy don’t buy it, we warned multiple times tho. ??‍♂️ Now you will get a warning for the language.
  14. Don’t know.. ??‍♂️ Probably because you’re posting a pic.
  15. We’re Admin and Moderator. Not helpers so don’t be surprised if we don’t answer you as soon as you write your message. My question isn’t only about the apps, I also asked if you were sure that you installed it correctly. Did you create a password on Apple ID or did you put the right mail address ect. Also if you follow a little bit, direct install isn’t available for the moment. It’s already getting looked into.
  16. Hi, what app did you install? Are you sure the process went well? ✌?
  17. You didn’t « asked kindly » tho that’s just it. Also don’t take a warning as a threat. ?? Making enemies being petty won’t help you. Now as you apologized in pm I answered you, you can check it. ✌? Well next time control yourself. Won’t allow this kind of behavior freely. ✌?
  18. Of course you can post in Vip. ?? This comment just needed approval.