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Everything posted by Primo

  1. It’s getting worked on already. ✌? That’s a possibility, if it happens he will say it. ?? You’re paying for Vip not pubg that’s not the same. Also it’s already getting updated. ✌?
  2. Well I kindly invite you to make a topic to share your method with members if you think it can help. ☺️ Regards! ✌? No lol don’t take it like that. It’s written on first page of he thread that updates takes time and it’s advices not to buy Vip only for pubg. ??☺️
  3. Yeah it was better before last updates but now you can only increase by resetting crafting points, once you have enough make a fast travel should work ??
  4. Hi guys, apparently Pubg update is once again complained about from members. So i’ll try to explain why it’s taking time. Well it’s simple it’s not an easy game to hack, as you would guess. So obviously update process takes time too. The process can’t get accelerated except one of you knows how to hack and is willing to help Cz. Otherwise y’all need to be patient. Cz always does the best for the most people possible and tries to be as fast as possible. Y’all must also know that Cz is the only one providing Pubg hack with direct install methods, that is why this service is hard to make. So please be considerate. You can’t complain about something taking time if the process to make it DO TAKE time and FURTHERMORE if you can’t do it yourself because you won’t understand how much work it requires. Thanks ✌?

  5. It’s been like this since the first update of pubg. Updates takes time. If you can’t wait then don’t pay. ?? It’s no problem ✌?
  6. No but it shows that updates operations take time. If you’re not patient then you can leave. ?? We won’t hold any grudge on you.
  7. Cz is tagged on the post already no need to quote it for more visibility. ✌? Promoting is forbidden, I’m warning you so be careful. ☺️✌?
  8. Cz said it multiple times. No need to repeat again and again ?? Messages disappear quite fast here anyway you probably won’t see it even if he say it again. ✌?
  9. It’s getting worked on already, it’s not because there’s no announce that nothing is getting done. So please don’t write a book everytime the game needs an update. ?✌?
  10. You will have the same results with ipa tha with Direct install /via-Cz1993/ Anyway don’t worry he probably will share it. With the process too ??.
  11. Toram Online v3.2.56

    You need to precise Jailbreak version or non, also add the iTunes url of the game. ??
  12. You have to comment to make the link appear. It’s on first page, purple box with « direct install » written on it. ✌?
  13. I’m only moderator, I can’t cancel any subscription of any kind. ✌?
  14. Then don’t play it...