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About Ahmsa

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    iPhone 7 Plus
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  1. Land Mine is safe now, you can use it like grande but be carful, it will kill you if you step on it
  2. I purchased it But didn’t find it supported in any game except the ldoe which is currently corrupted and has no match with the features that listed on its topic ( hope it will work again soon) please advise which game could I use the super install with
  3. Kevlar Helmet Kevlar Body Armor Kevlar Trousers Kevlar Boots Land Mine Chemistry Station Radio Tower Safe C-4 Explosive Explosive Material Tactical Backpack Hazmat Helmet (new!!) Hazmat Jacket (new!!) Hazmat Pants (new!!) Hazmat Shoes (new!!) Tire Flowerbed (new!!) Bath with Flowers (new!!) Decorative Bond (new!!) Sculpture (new!!) Car Battery (new!!) Outdoor toilet (new!!) Hydroponic System All of above items are now ingame and craftable. I tried them by myself. (new!!) Items : These Items are new released and have new materials to be crafted and all of their Materials can be obtained after complete the ATV or by exploring Bunker Bravo that are available now. So, you can craft them safely. Thanks,,,
  4. Tactical backpack is now safe