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Everything posted by Lolswag

  1. christmas event you can reset bunker using battery
  2. pretty sure using the event to reset bunker changes loot drops / but yes only the bunker drop's the gas tank / red coupon chest
  3. Nothing on this list is offered on the store
  4. error while downloading formatted incorrectly redownload make sure nothing is in background
  5. reset skill points to increase coins and use coins to buy energy-unlimited amounts of time
  6. reply to the hack thread of the game you want to be activated on
  7. by replying to the hack thread of the game you want
  8. turn lock rotation off and leave it on the side the game loads into نعم ريلوغ في
  9. craft at your own expense / yes it does
  10. you crafted unreleased items / no you cant get your save back/reinstall/make new game center to save data again
  11. redownload the ipa make sure nothing is running in background / mean's the file wasn't fully downloaded
  12. glad to help what do you need to be explained Гугл переводчик
  13. no current working jailbreak for ios 11.1.2 below as Saurik hasn't updated cydia or substrate to work with ios 11 with a gun/ from the bunker chest because that's how the authentication system works
  14. How dose his work

    reply to the hack thread of the game you want to activate your account
  15. reply to the hack thread / once your comment gets approved log out and back in
  16. resettare i punti abilità per aumentare l'oro https://iosgg.com/topic/1102-last-day-on-earth-zombie-survival-by-andrey-pryakhin-v1612-mega-hack-25-new-features/