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Everything posted by Lolswag

  1. - FREE STORE ! Note: This Will Works when Android LDOE version is higher than iOS!!! Note 2: Not every version works cause depends on the server. i just relased this for let people test.. it was working 1.7.2
  2. The longer you use this site less ad's you get since your download from third party it get's injected with more ad's so you're getting double the ad's because of that so yes it's better downloading from here via cydia impactor and alot safer
  3. https://iosgg.com/topic/2026-how-to-install-ipafind-download/
  4. if people are wondering when the update for ldoe is they posted an update on their twitter
  5. This does not require jailbreak , all you need is a computer to install you need a computer to install if you're having trouble with the installing progress you can watch Here:
  6. Лук убивает мгновенно и быстро перезаряжается
  7. this doesnt require jailbreak but always best to stay on lowest version
  8. Before download their are two note's 1. Free store works when android version is higher then ios / short terms wait for android to update then it will work
  9. It's either the update 1.7.2 because some people were affected and progress frozen or you crafted unreleased items
  10. yer some people are experiencing this problem unsure why
  11. As the topic say's android version is required to be on a higher version before it work currently both are on the same version so it won't work wait for Android to update to have chance of this working
  12. Say's just at the start of the topic before download - FREE STORE ! Note: This Will Works when Android LDOE version is higher than iOS!!! Note 2: Not every version works cause depends on the server. i just relased this for let people test.. So wait till android is on 1.7.3 or update's then it should work for ios version
  13. All hack's are pre-enabled for non jailbroken devices so just launch the game login to the auth / if you need to know how to install you can go here:
  14. watch here https://iosgg.com/topic/2026-how-to-install-ipafind-download/