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Everything posted by Lolswag

  1. What do you need help with Yes
  2. Broken currently Need information on what the issue is Restart the game Comment on the hack thread of the game you want access and activation on then restart the game Restart game via clearing from background and reopen
  3. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want access and activation on then restart the game Anything above 11.1.2 you can’t Restart the game Says hack download in a black box tap it Restart the game Restart game via clearing from background and reopen Restart the game
  4. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want access and activation on then restart the game
  5. Restart the game It’s broken Restart the game Restart the game Restart the game Restart the game
  6. I can ensure majority of the hack is working , apart from coins-energy , but what seems to be your issue ?
  7. At that point nothing you can do , / uninstall and reinstall to start over
  8. Via restarting the application , clear from background and reopen
  9. That would be from crafting unreleased items your progress is gone no way to get back , uninstall and reinstall to start over
  10. No such thing Restart the game via clearing from background and reopen
  11. Hack Cross fire legenda

    iTunes link
  12. Restart the game via clearing from background and reopen
  13. I agree The coins aren’t working currently so the energy doesn’t either because it’s based of the coin hack
  14. Restart the game via clearing from background and reopen Restart the game via clearing from background and reopen
  15. Lucky for you this doesn’t require jailbreak only a computer Lucky for you this doesn’t require jailbreak only a computer
  16. Comment on the hack thread of the game you want access and activation on then restart the game
  17. Restart the game via clearing from background and reopen the game
  18. It isn’t enabled for crafting but is safe Updated information