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Everything posted by Ace

  1. @cz1993, why cant i get in the game, for some reason when i log in to facebook it just gets stuck! I tried everything!
  2. Update is out! Thank you @cz1993
  3. My man @cz1993, update is out, we will be grateful!
  4. @cz1993, an update is out! Thank you in advance!
  5. Wow, thank you for releasing my hack reaquest, @cz1993
  6. My man @cz1993, nice job brother! Love your work since day 1.
  7. Its gOblin ipa jailbreak or meridan jailbreak for 10.3 to 10.3.3 for 64bit devices! https://iosgg.com/topic/228-ios-jailbreak-full-list-tools-updated-ios-11-full-64-bit-electra-jailbreak-by-coolstar/
  8. Yes, helix is for 32bit devices
  9. @cz1993, can you please update this game! I will be grateful!
  10. @cz1993, plz. Update! I sound like a nagging wife! Haha
  11. My man @cz1993, can you hook a brother up with a little update! Lol! Thanks
  12. @cz1993, hi, theres an update, can you plz update this game! Thank you!