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About Shadowreaper

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    iPhone X
  • Version
    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak

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  1. Is anyone else experiencing issues where the game crashes upon loading, restarting loads the game but not the mod menu.
  2. Are you using the free store mod? You can’t buy coins using the other mod. Coin will decrease if you skip refining materials, it’s only when you do skill point reset, buy energy or gasoline that your coins increase.
  3. Not really as that version doesn’t connect to game centre so it will mess up future progress.
  4. You don’t have to be jail broken, where did you get that assumption from? I got 2 devices not JB and they run the hack smoothly. Maybe you’re putting the wrong hack, LDOE has got 3 different hacks 1 is jailbroken 2 are not
  5. Last Day on Earth how to maximise the mods

    This game is excellent, still in bets but got so much too offer Comment on the topic of each hack to reveal the hidden link
  6. Did you craft a unreleased item? The Kevlar Armor set and sniper rifle and thing that require Titan and electric components will crash your game. You will need to create a new Apple ID and reinstall the game
  7. Last Day on Earth how to maximise the mods

    Part 1 when installing the ipa file, do it as though you’re updating. Keep the old game on your device when you load the new game on, it will overwrite the old file whilst keeping your game progress intact. Part 2 when the free store is working, and you have the crates open them till you find the gas tank and other parts for the bike. Using the same process as part 1 keep the game on your device then load mod 1 again whilst overwriting the previous game
  8. Last Day on Earth how to maximise the mods

    When doing the watch tower build a wall near the front of the sandbags, craft a shower or something then when you go to build press the x and then select building, lay down 3 floors and 2 walls leave the middle open. Open the gate to the watchtower and run straight back out, then go back in and go build the shower again but press x and place a wall in the missing spot. Now run to the side to get the zombies attention they can’t actually get to you anymore because of the wall you built. This is also handy after you complete the bike and electric generator. Before you place the generator rebuild the middle wall, which will need to be broken to gain access as the door doesn’t work. Once the generator goes down another horde of zombies will attck but if you got the wall up they can’t get in
  9. Hello here is my guide to maximise the mods on offer here. mod 1 https://iosgg.com/topic/1102-last-day-on-earth-zombie-survival-by-andrey-pryakhin-v171-mega-hack-25-new-features/ mod 2 https://iosgg.com/topic/1103-last-day-on-earth-zombie-survival-by-andrey-pryakhin-v171-free-store/ Using mod 1 build a basic house to stop you getting attack by zombies, all you need is 1 pine log and you can build as big as you like. Then start crafting the workbench, wood work etc. This is so you can start upgrading the house. Craft the swat armour set, the bow and health kit and equip it all. Go to any area except red as it will be hard if you’re just starting out. All you need to farm at this stage is pine log, stone, iron ore and scrap iron , you only need 1 of each thanks to the mod. Go to bunker Alfa and chop down the oak tree there and then head back to your base. Craft a chest and put all items inside using the split button, you can increase each item to max of 20 in the next empty space. This handy for the upgrades. That’s in case you accidentally use up something from your inventory during upgrading. now using mod 2 which is the free store without deleting your game load that ipa on , it won’t affect game progress if you don’t delete the previous game buy as much gold as you want and mechanics crate and specialist crates to get the gas tank tank, wheels and chopper fork, in the process you will gain every other part required for the bike once you have the bits you need reinstall the ipa from mod 1 using the same method and not deleting the previous one. Now you should have all the parts to build the bike, parts will be in your inbox, note how when you take a item it doesn’t disappear, you have unlimited of them items, using this mod you only need 1 of each part to finalise the bike. When you are upgrading any part of building, if the part uses 5 stone you only need 1 set in inventory it’s only when it ask for 20 it takes it out. So example for the metal floor you need 15 of steel plates and 20alu plates, I would have 1 set of steel plates and then depending how many upgrades I have to do I would split the Aluminium plates into that many plus 1 in case you don’t have space in the inventory if you have used the free store mod and got the gold you want you can skip the time it takes to refine the materials as it won’t matter if your gold goes down but to replenish the gold buy gasoline from the store and XP booster. Once your base is built go to the holiday van and meet Nick get your gift of him then go to your inbox and take the gas from there, then go to inventory and split the gas to get lots, now go to his van and put the gas in there and collect points get about 1000 then go back to nick and buy the energy drink (recharges your energy) and gingerbread man( helps level up faster), also buy the battery as that is need to reset the bunker For those that have the bike but want just the gold I would recommend using the skill reset if you have at at least 5 good to get to 80 gold then buy 2lots of the 75gold gas, then the 350 gas till you get as much gold as you like saves having to swap mods Now you should have loads of gold, maxed out house and a bike Big thanks to cz1993 and GreenApples for the help they gave. Edit: freestore servers are down at the moment, buy gas to increase gold.
  10. When you do the watchtower, before you place the generator build a wall across the entrance. Stops the next wave of zero mines getting to you.
  11. Yes the watch tower can be unlocked but you will need the bike and a electric generator
  12. No that will crash your game building any unreleased item
  13. The reason is because as lolswag pointed out you are not jail broken so the mod menu won't work, but even if you were jail broken the mod link you posted still wouldn't bring up the menu as its the wrong mod. You want the mod that has 27 features
  14. You may have crafted a unreleased item, check the topic page for the list, it has been updated.