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About Drawx501

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  • Device
    iPad Pro 2
  • Version
    iOS 13.x
  • Jailbreak
  1. Shame on you . Yeah my English is bad. And I m new here .atleast I can install hack . You said it long time you are vip. And u still not install as ipa ? pa: yeah English it’s my fourth langage . shame on you
  2. Bro open your eyes then . The first link you can use pc/ ipawind. 2 link direct install 3rd link super install .
  3. Bro. this hack work during 6 weeks . Its apple who make revoked . he gave you 3 choice to install . so use ipa. And buy ipa installer . He never ask you to use direct install / super install. Advertisement too is always revoked . so stop crying . And go buy ipawind.
  4. Guys méthode 1 work perfectly . Just let ur clean device open . Even if the message not appear . For me 30 game since yesterday . 0 ban
  5. Hello, When i activate menu it make me crash? Someone know why? all my friend use iPhone it work. I used iPad Pro 11 inch .