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  1. Today i got ban 10 min with 3 account V.3 is not safe now Please update new version
  2. All revoked Super install certificate has been replaced. 48 minutes ago According to your latest update I can download super install normally but it doesn't work.The same I can't not install the game. Any one can install the game via super install ??
  3. Cz1993 We are still waiting for the new super install certificates, but currently almost all certificates have been revoked by Apple. Users who currently have iOS 13.3 or lower can use direct install to install the game. Another method is to use a jailbroken device. Yes I already reinstall by direct install but my activate code need to reset. please check my massage in your inbox. Thank you
  4. When app was revoked i have to reinstall and i can't play the game because the activated code is already used more than 2 time (app revoked 2 time) Please update a new code.
  5. For testing v.19 1.First game I get lost conection and ban 10 min 2.Aim bot doesn't work 3.Magic bullet don't working ps.Tencent has some update another 2.09M