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Everything posted by Khalid2020

  1. Hi everyone, my VIP need active. I just play 3 days and after that they asked me for active. I’m trying from the until now to reactivated but I didn’t find the solution. Please if some one knows about active the coupon. Tell me plz.
  2. Device not activated

    Me too, I just buy the code yesterday and I didn’t play with it. I need help to plz.
  3. بخصوص اشتراك svip

    ابي فزعتكم تكفون
  4. مااعرفت. له. والمشكله مافي احد يشرح لنا. دفعت لهم بس ماجاني كود. جاني ايميل يقول تم السداد وانا لي ٣ ساعات انتظر الكود.
  5. No ban!(DLG) PUBG MOBİLE

    I want to buy code