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Showing most liked content on 05/12/2020 in Status Updates

  1. 19 points
    Super install issue has been fixed and working at the moment.
  2. 16 points
    Check the anti-ban issues of other versions after done will enable the super install link for install.
  3. 10 points
    BULK REPLY: 1. For some people who encoutered (Error: Contact admin to check account status) when using super install it mean your certificate probabily its revoked, we will replace it soon! 2. if super install shows cannot install or black icon, just retry more times. 3. New activation code its updated again, if not works just generate a new code! here https://iosgg.com/topic/4335-1 4. For Direct install issue we working to solve it ASAP! 5. Received 10000000 messages about install issue again, pm me again if you have something other more important! i will reply all them later!
  4. 9 points
    Global version has the new anti ban, everyone can play with global at the moment. after will fix other version issue,
  5. 7 points
    Super install server upgraded and restarted, should be faster now.
  6. 7 points
    Other version may its not very safe at the moment, currently disabled for checking the issue.
  7. 4 points
    IMPORTANT NOTICE: We had make some changes on the super install for not overload the system so everyone can install in 1 hours. the signing process will be activated only from xx:00 to xx:30 of every hours . so from the xx:31 to xx:59 everyone who has started the download before can install the game at full speed.
  8. 2 points
    NOTICE: These days we are already busy with working the PUBG new version and anti ban, but now also super install created a problem to us. We are trying to find a better server, but it may take a few days. received about 3000 pm's about the install issue cant reply one by one, if you have something important just pm again. sorry for the incovenience.
  9. 2 points
    NOTICE: Sorry for the problem of super install This is something we can't predict. We have disabled Super Install signing process for a while so some people who already started the install can install games at full speed.
  10. 1 point
    Trying to solve the problem of super install overload. The server is already a high I / O server, but when many people use it, it will cause performance degradation.
  11. 1 point
    Am busy at the moment, all private messages will be replied later..
  12. 1 point
    Super install server is a bit overloaded, if still cant install just wait later for retry.
  13. 1 point

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  14. 1 point
    Forum Rules also applies to VIP members. Please take note and never forget that even if you paid for a membership any behaviour misregarding the rules will be punished accordingly ! ??