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Everything posted by den4a

  1. @Cz1993 why did you ban me?)) your cookie resource doesn't open for me))) it's mean
  2. You can make a notification to all users that a new version of your antiban? Is your hack solved now? Give people official information. Pls!
  3. I really hope that you will make quality software. But we need to know about it. Check it.
  4. Where should I check this? You do not produce a working product, we gamers get banned. But you still keep charging us for what? Your hack is not working now, it is detected. Why don't you stop the timer for all users? I personally use your hack only for pubg. Make working vrsio and inform, is it difficult? Why can't you make alerts for users for whom it's important? It's easy.
  5. I get banned! I tried different accounts, 3 pieces. All receive ban: a new account, the old account - all banyat. It is impossible to finish any match, whether you kill or not. Your cheats do not work, for your cheat all get banned. Can you fix the Antiban?
  6. I get banned! I tried different accounts, 3 pieces. All receive ban: a new account, the old account - all banyat. It is impossible to finish any match, whether you kill or not. Your cheats do not work, for your cheat all get banned. Can you fix the Antiban?