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About Abdulr

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  • Device
    iPhone XS Max
  • Version
    iOS 12
  • Jailbreak
  1. We want new code because last code is now open we are update again
  2. You have already used that coupon code the maximum amount of times you are allowed. ي شباب الكود عندي ماهو شغال ولاهو يشتغل عندي الرمز الجديد
  3. ي شباب دخلت في حسابي الاصلي في النسخه الفتنامينه ولاهو راضي يرجع النخسه العالميه شسوات ؟
  4. ي شباب دخلت في حسابي الاصلي في النسخه الفتنامينه ولاهو راضي يرجع النخسه العالميه كيف ارجع الحساب على النسخه العالميه ؟
  5. ي عيال الفتنامي باند عشر دقايق ذبحني كل شوي تنصحوني احمل الكوري ولا ؟ ارجع على اللعبه الاصليه
  6. Please if you can’t, close the topic and consider yourself, just leave us, we don’t have much more PuBg accounts, all are still under blocked, we always trusting here i personally feels insulting our hopes upon you, we always checking this topic more then 100 times per day, and be patient upon you, I don’t like to hurt ? you, but have rights to tell something here, we are expecting good anti ban hack from you, in my past every months played without issues nearly 10 days, I hope for this month has still remaining 20 days for end, may be you have an idea to take 10 days from this 20 days of the month, let’s see, best of luck for your efforts, thank you ? ?
  7. What happened bro banned when I started the game 10 minute we need vision the last one ???????