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Everything posted by Bobsta

  1. I shall try this updated version when I get home hopefully it will work for me thank you for the hard work
  2. @ lolswag have installed and reinstalled x3 still no luck please check if you can help thank you
  3. Going to reinstall and install fingers crossed this works ?
  4. Have installed this Version as I couldn’t log on earlier . After I installed @ 1834 had a server error and it asked me to report this issue with webmaster. Server could not complete my request more information available on server log additionally an error 500 occurred while trying to use an error document to handle request Apache server port 443 I hope this helps
  5. Thanks gonna log out and try to log in again as this has been a nightmare for me
  6. How to install IPA/Find Download

    Video very helpful thank you
  7. All good to go and thank you guvnor for the tutorial on how to install and the hard work . Please activate this party pretty please ?