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Everything posted by KingSmurf

  1. Hi is there a new update and can I Get my account reactivated

    Is there a new update can we make the turret? And can you activate my account and is there a way so I always don’t have to activate?
  3. Hi can you reactivate please and is there a Way not to always have to reactivate
  4. Either any new updates and can I get the automatic turrets
  5. What are the items I cannot craft and when will it be added so I can craft like I wanna craft an automatic gun but I can’t so please helpWhat are the items I cannot craft and when will it be added song to craft like I wanna cry for mold or an automatic gun but I can’t so please help What are the items I cannot craft and when will it be added so I can craft like I wanna craft an automatic gun but I can’t so please helpWhat are the items I cannot craft and when will it be added song to craft like I wanna cry for mold or an automatic gun but I can’t so please help
  6. Question does this hack allow you to get free coins and I also need help to reactivate my account thank youQuestion does this hack allow you to get free coins and I also need help to reactivate my account
  7. Is distant new update I just got it the update seems awesome but I have a few questions how do I attack other people because I can’t get the rifle and I also need to reactivate my account please help I need help to reactivate my account and how do I get the rifle to check other people do I have to be a certain level