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Everything posted by Salim9778

  1. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    @Cz1993our member ship will end soon so is there compensation will u like add us more days and when will u upload the gaaaaaaame
  2. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    @Cz1993 can u confirm us when No one is answering they are ignoring us and saying we are working on it , so how did svip members hot the hack and we are waiting what are u guys working on , its the same hack for al members svip and vip so why dont u upload it ??? its same link so why do svip have a special treatment Best regards
  3. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    @Cz1993when will u upload the hack
  4. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    @Cz1993when will u upload the hack
  5. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    Yeah that what i meant its not deferent so why do svip members got them hack and we r still waiting
  6. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    Hello @Cz1993how long will it takes u to upload the new version???
  7. Its been detected wait for the new version
  8. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    @Primo any new details ? cause svip got them hack so for us when i think its the same link not deferent
  9. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    Dear @Cz1993how long should we wait to upload the new version of PUBG hack cause our membership will expire soon and we didnt get any benefit on it so please confirm us when will u provide us new hack!!
  10. Why should we buy Svip?

    I think the treatment is deferent ?
  11. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    No where but we dont know when aha so we hope he finish it soon
  12. @Cz1993i hope u finish soon dear?
  13. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    I am my dear but cz1993 he never respond about any details @Cz1993is it right that for svip tomorrow ull upload for them the new version hack,??? cause im planing to have svip
  14. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    So u mean that we should wait probably one week
  15. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    @Primohello helper can u tell us when is the exact time will upload the game how can we be patient without knowing any news about the hack so please tell us and keep in touch to know every thing By closing topic will not help us and its not a behave to do like this so if he wish to ignore us he can tell us politely so we can stop dealing with hem we can wait but waiting without knowing any thing is rubbish
  16. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    @Cz1993 why are not responding us by any news about pubg hack and u close the topic that not a behave so please answer us will u upload or not? And when?
  17. Solve 10 min Ban for Pubg

    Now what about pubg
  18. why its different from the original one do any one have any idea?
  19. I dont think the reason is dlg code so stop being annoying and saying sh!t there is another problems probably of another codes or anything else cause i didnt use any of them and i got band on loby so keep quite and stop talking
  20. @Cz1993i prefer that u do another hack just for slider and headshots only if the problems with the codes so that is my opinion to avoid the bans best regards