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  1. Thanks
    yusf22 reacted to tmdwo8848 for a status update, Why are you still blaming Cz? Why do you ask Cz for a refund? You want to buy a VIP.   
    Why are you still blaming Cz?
    Why do you ask Cz for a refund?
    You want to buy a VIP.
    Did Cz force you to buy a VIP?
    NO You bought it because you wanted it.
    You never know Cz's hard work and effort. Cz is now facing both apple and tencent at the same time.
    Do you see apple is so easy?
    Do you see tencent is so easy?
    say bad words to Cz without knowing anything is really not right.
    If it seems that easy, you can develop your own hack.
    Cz did not create this forum to hear your bad words.
    Svip and vip are fair.
    Svip, I am still cheering for Cz and waiting 
    Be careful of your language.
  2. Haha
    yusf22 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Revoked again, thanks apple..   
    Revoked again, thanks apple..