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Everything posted by balobin

  1. @Cz1993when is the planning planned? other hackers are already raising ranks ... how long to wait again?
  2. I think a 10 minute ban does not depend on internet connection. I live in the center of a large city I have a dedicated line and a wi-fi connection. Ping does not exceed 40 ms. on the main account I can not play because of the ban in every match. I created a new account and uploaded a new version of no recoil + x Ray. I have not used the code once. 30 matches are played now. I play just for fun very aggressively about 15 kills per game on average. complaints were 100% but so far there is no ban. in the end, I associate a 10-minute ban using codes. after using the code, I think the account is blacklisted and automatically blocks in every match. try not to use codes.
  3. I think a 10 minute ban does not depend on internet connection. I live in the center of a large city I have a dedicated line and a wi-fi connection. Ping does not exceed 40 ms. on the main account I can not play because of the ban in every match. I created a new account and uploaded a new version of no recoil + x Ray. I have not used the code once. 30 matches are played now. I play just for fun very aggressively about 15 kills per game on average. complaints were 100% but so far there is no ban. in the end, I associate a 10-minute ban using codes.
  4. problems started with a diamond and higher when you start playing with real players... which version do u use ? And do you use any codes ?
  5. now any version is not safe regardless of the use of codes no it's not like that
  6. when you play bronze with bots it is safe but from the level of a diamond and higher you cannot finish a single game by getting a 10 minute ban each time
  7. @Cz1993my friend. Now a large number of people can not use the hack version because of the 10-minute ban. tell us if there is any solution, is it possible to solve this problem and when can we expect to resolve the issue
  8. in my experience it is not. I received a 10-minute 20 times and did not receive a 10 year ban
  9. just uploaded another version that includes x-ray, the situation is the same: a ban in the first match, after killing the second player ... I did not use any codes
  10. Thanks bro, but even if it works - this is not an option because every second player in every match will write a report and you will again get banned
  11. I am using the only no-recoil version. So I use the code, just to hide the grass. The x-ray version is very inconvenient. you can't normally hide and drive..
  12. I tried this method, it does not work. again 10 minute bang every game. need some kind of solution. it is impossible to use the game with the hack
  13. @Cz1993could you fix the problem with 10-minute bans. I can’t play anymore
  14. I created a new account played five matches and did not receive any ban. but on the main account I get banned in every match. why it happens ? Did I get on some blacklist? * I don’t have any problems with the connection
  15. Every game 10 minutes ban. Anybody has the same problem ? What to do ?
  16. constantly give a 10 minute ban. Not possible to play... @Cz1993is it any solutions now ?