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About Farhannehalove

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  • Device
    iPhone X
  • Version
    iOS 11
  • Jailbreak

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  1. M so lucky i feel till now i didnt get ban once ☺️☺️Nt even 10 mins n my server also good ......now m on diamond 3 ....nonstop playing ..... wooosa
  2. I didnt get banned even once till yet m using xray version without code ......n. Mostly played in sanok ....m jailbroken buh i dnt use in jailbreak mode ...cuz sumtimes tweaks lag ya game ......datz d reason i use normal mode ....u also try to use in normal mode without code trust me wont get banned
  3. M getting 20ms ping buh till yet no ban not even 10 mins sware on god .....sumtimes its lagging dat also rare in sum matches or else workin smooth
  4. Wow hack is still working fine after update i played 40 matches so far still didnt get banned woooo m on ace now wooooooo hack is safe 100%
  5. Hey wow hack is still safe after update i played 20 matches so far didnt get ban yeahhhhh luv u cz ???????
  6. I really donno why dis ppl getting banned i sware on god m continusly playing d game i didnt get hack dont use dlg code plz
  7. I had 80 rounds till naw m silver to crown 2 , 478 kills ss+ Kills rating still i didnt get ban thanx cz d hack is damn smooth n perfect only 5ms ping awesum good job really appriate ????
  8. I played over 38 matches frm early morning till naw trust I didn’t got any banned nt even for 10 mins ...., please dnt use dlg codes avoid
  9. I played over 15 matches I didn’t get banned dnt use dlg Its working super fine......
  10. No nothing i played 6 matches wid my main Account its safe jst dnt use dl
  11. No nothing i played 6 matches wid my main Account its safe jst dnt use dlg
  12. Ur mad dnt use dlg & d hack superb & smooth right none of hack is safe expect cz if its safe even ....den too laggy ... buh wat cz is givin smooth n perfect ?
  13. Wow ? so smooth & perfect ? i wana share sum experience of mine guys 4 days b4 wen cz hack is detected so i lost my ace account wid ban den i hav another one so tried with my jailbreak version trust me guys d hack is safe n ok but but but what cz hard wrk abt in ipa nobody can does guyz to b very honest in jb hack d game so laggy high ping etc etc m really tired as m using in ma 6 ...even i tried in ma x also buh lil bit difference....buh today i belived what cz hard work is really wrk superb smooth n perfect i had 5 chicken dinner in a row ....i just luv u bro ur hack is worth to pay hats off brother ........in my jb version i jst got one or 2 kills wid lagging buh no use dis hack is hack n dnt use any dlg .....wrks superfine .......??????? if u wana play dis in jb version more safe so inbox me wil giv u hosts only for jb device