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Everything posted by To0ny

  1. Ro7 manage purchase wi shof lw fih pending order bil code dah, cancelo wi garbo tani
  2. Ro7 el store tani, activation key, add cart wa7id gidid, wi use el coupon dah, “ PUBGGlobalVerF8C03” wi b3d keda manage purchase and get the new licenses key
  3. Request for a new key with a new coupon code “PUBGGlobalVerF8C03”
  4. Direct install link is on the first page, IPA file is currently not available now
  5. Open this link https://iosgg.com/clients/purchases/ and cancel the pending order then use this code “PUBGGlobalVerAE592” as a coupon to get the 100% off. make sure that u r requesting for one activation code only.
  6. Have you tried to add the verification code to the cart already? Or this is the first try? @Cz1993 No updates for the Korean version?
  7. Any updates for the korean pubg version? @Cz1993
  8. Can I do that in the lobby or once I land only? And which results i should change?
  9. Yeah I understand, but wondering if someone is already using it with the main account. Are using it on a baby account ?
  10. So according to your hint right now, is to install the revoke first, but what was mentioned on the revoke topic, “ About Anti-Revoke: make sure to install all the apps that you would want before installing Anti-Revoke. Any new apps added after that will not be protected by Anti-Revoke.” correct me if I miss understood it. @Cz1993
  11. when you choose FB try option ' login with phone number or Email' instead of login with FB app.
  12. I'm sorry that I ran out of options, I just wanted to share with you how it worked for me
  13. Well I experienced the same “white icon” while my global version was still installed, then I uninstalled both > wifi > download 2nd link and now it’s working