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  1. Haha
    Hamod0524007116 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Most games install link are fixed now! ?   
    Most games install link are fixed now! ?
  2. Like
    Hamod0524007116 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, Dont worry guys, today will get the new certificate.   
    Dont worry guys, today will get the new certificate.
  3. Like
    Hamod0524007116 reacted to Cz1993 for a status update, omg..  apple revoke the certificate again and again..   
    omg..  apple revoke the certificate again and again..
  4. Like
    Hamod0524007116 reacted to tmdwo8848 for a status update, OMG finally apple’s revoke project has been started   
    OMG finally apple’s revoke project has been started
  5. Like
    Hamod0524007116 reacted to mbaal for a status update, for those who have jailbreak and the app still running can they use the activation co   
    for those who have jailbreak and the app still running can they use the activation code normally or they have to reinstall the new game?
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    Hamod0524007116 reacted to Alzaim for a status update, مستحيل شهادة تغلق بسرعة هذا اذا جديدة ولي وشوف انا شهادة كانت مستخدمة قبل والمطور خذه   
    مستحيل شهادة تغلق بسرعة هذا اذا جديدة ولي وشوف انا شهادة كانت مستخدمة قبل والمطور خذه برخص وثبت الالعاب عليها ورجعت وتبندت اتمنى في المرة الياية العمل بخلاص وسموحه من لكل ??