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Everything posted by Baqerteam

  1. No ban!(DLG) PUBG MOBİLE

  2. I bought the super install key and trying to install it with out luck always busy to sign another user , some in charge here can activate my key ?
  3. Open airplane mode and closet in the same time once before 30 secs of zone closing
  4. Ya just in other meaning disconnect the internet before 30 seconds of zone closed to other area
  5. Open airplane mode and close it before every closing zone in 30 secs. will do the trick
  6. Delete the Twitter mobile app and it shout give you internal loging without leaving pubg app.
  7. دور موضوع self activation في المنتدى واتبع التعليمات لازم تنتظر لين ينتهي الكود وبعدها اطلب جديد