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Everything posted by darkmanx

  1. This code generator is so buggy. 50/50 chance when you generate a code it doesn’t work. Multiple people having this issue but mod won’t respond or fix just makes us wait the 3 days to try again. There should be an option to cancel a current code and generate a new one if it’s not working.
  2. And when the hack is fixed they will come flying back like a flock of birds.
  3. There is another reason why DiDA doesn’t update it. I won’t say exactly why but tencent shut down there proxy servers and I will let you figure out the rest as to why he won’t update it anymore. Also DiDA is not a kid or school kid. He is very good at what he does.
  4. ipa file works good. No issue so far except had to use a new Apple ID to sign.
  5. People that purchased certs are having the same issue. It has nothing to do whether it’s free or not.
  6. Lol he can’t do anything. This is out of his control. It’s affecting major players in the space as well.
  7. Cert got revoked again. This will keep happening as they keep getting reported. This won’t be fixed anytime soon.
  8. Codes don’t even work. Generated a new one and cannot activate.
  9. Thanks. Wasn’t putting in the iosgg code first. Thanks for the help!
  10. Why does it say my activation code is wrong when it’s the exact same as in my manage purchases?