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About ma8388

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  • Device
    iPhone 7
  • Version
    iOS 12
  • Jailbreak
  1. Bro all subscribers here for pubg hack only if not working I think all of them they will stopped And Ok this is last subscribe and good luck
  2. You always said vip not only for pubg i will told you that the others game we can find it free in others places so we don’t subscribe vip for the others game please understand that we are subscribers here only for pubg we don’t need for the others games in vip which are free in others sites so please considering on the pubg hack that it is benefit for all members that subscribers here for vip we only care about pubg hack but that in your mind sir @Primo @Cz1993
  3. My original account banned 10 years i reach conquer season 7 and this season 8 thanks @Cz1993 باند ١٠ سنوات حسابي رسمي سيزون ماضي وهذا سيزون واصل كنت كونكر ياليت ما نزلت النسخه شكرا يالمطور ومع السلامه وداعا يالتشيكي
  4. تعرف شو تسوي نزلها وخليها فتره لا تسال عنها انتظر ونام ف يوم ثاني تحصلها متحمله او اذا نت سريع ٣ ساعات وبتشوفها متحمله بس لا تسوي شي ثاني حملها وحطها عند الواي فاي
  5. Help help help help help Please anyone help me the activation cod not working with me they said device not activation @Primo @Cz1993 Please help me i want to play give me the solution for this i sent many messages to @Cz1993 and he didn’t reply to me I don’t why
  6. @Cz1993 Why You don’t update cods ?? please update
  7. Please update the cods !!!!!! Please update the cods ?!!!!!please @Cz1993