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About HarleyKC

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  • Device
    iPhone X
  • Version
    iOS 12
  • Jailbreak

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  1. Haha this is so f*** (inappropriate word)ed, i could only play for 6 days in my 1 month subscription
  2. I agree with you, its just sh!t. He just says uploading and then he gets lost for 9-10 hrs without any update. Its been 4 days he is doing like this and he can’t even fix it.
  3. Thats true. They need to let us know on the progress as we have paid for it. If they can’t provide the service than they shouldn’t be charging money
  4. Fkn’ waste of money. Paid for 1 month and only could play for 6 days which includes 3 times banned
  5. Wheres the new version, how long is it going to take
  6. You are absolutely right, but if someone is selling the product and you are a customer that buys then what do you expect on the product. In this case we have paid money so we expect atleast we could play for few weeks with the same account. Its not that we paying to get banned every second day.
  7. Its not just $19. Just think, thousands of people buy this and everyone gets charged $19. Now just imagine how much would he make of it?? But we dun care whatever he makes but its just waste if it gets banned every two days.
  8. @Cz1993 Whats the use of wasting that much money for vip if we get banned every second day. I believe its a big waste of money. I know you have written clearly you r not responsible if we get banned. But if you have charged us $19.99 for 1 month then atleast make such hack which won’t get detected for atleast 19 days. Its sh!t that we pay $19.99 for month and get banned every second day.