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Everything posted by ElkingAbood

  1. In game and lobby both no matter how much matches it banned after such a time I using both with and without slider both I got banned
  2. I get banned for one day due to connection I dont know whats connection !!
  3. @Cz1993boss it's detected and its not safe at all , most of people got banned due to poor connection of proxy . We all do as same as the tutorial you post it but same result , for me actually they banned me 10 min then 2 hours now I got banned 2 days , and most of people same as me so there is probably things that get us all banned I think the proxy , BTW I check it by wifi and 4g but same result ??‍♂️
  4. NO BODY PLAY its not safe at all If you want to play as you like but I warned you guys I did every thing and active the unti-ban then I got 2 hours banned !! It start with 10 min then 2 hours then two days then two months then 10 year , be careful! @Cz1993it detected boss !!
  5. @Cz1993When I open VPN its only open iosgg so when I want to connect my user into facebook the Facebook it self do not open with me , so I have to play only on guest so what to do ?
  6. @Cz1993When I open VPN its only open iosgg so when I want to connect my user into facebook the Facebook it self do not open with me , so I have to play only on guest so what to do ?
  7. @Cz1993When I open VPN its only open iosgg so when I want to connect my user into facebook the Facebook it self do not open with me , so I have to play only on guest so what to do ?
  8. I got banned 10 min its safe to open it again or I will get banned 2 months or 10 years ?? Any body face this problem like me and sign in again and its ok ? Or for more safety wait @Cz1993response?
  9. @Cz1993to be sure the the members DO NOT abuse the hack just delete the DLG from the hack its slider it self so we dont need any thing else ,, Thanks BTW BOSS You are the best ❤️
  10. This is the only guy here play more than one game without ban !!!
  11. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    هههههههههههههااي التحديث الجديد لل سوبر انكشف اليوم وقال لهم بينزلهم النسخه الجديده بعد شويه واحنا صارلنا اكثر من اسبوعين ننتظر ويجيلك واحد من السوبر يقولك ان الفي اي بي يخربون الهاك ويكشفونه بسرعه وهو بروحه مفرمت العالم بالاكواد ثلاث ايام م قعد وياهم الهاك هههههههههههه وفالاخير المطور يقولك ان النسخه بتكون افضل نسخه من حيث السيكيورتي اقولك انت تعرف وين تحط السيكيور الموقع استوا فااشل
  12. Complaint to develop the game PUBG Hack

    I agree with this resolution
  13. خرا عليه وهل هاكه، حرام تخسر فلوسك هوا جي ولا جي غصب عن امه بينزله لنا لان مافي حد بيحب الذل ، لو يشوف اذنه بعينه م بجدد سوبر ، عفانا الله