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About iAmRockyFeller

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  • Device
    iPhone 6S
  • Version
    iOS 12
  • Jailbreak
  1. Y’all all know apple revoked all certificates right? These guys have to go through and resign everything. Especially the parts that allow you to install these via third parties. It takes time.
  2. Curious. Shall try. EDIT: Dropbox link 404 error.
  3. Played this on Android... May as well have a crack here too.
  4. If your browsing through your iOS device, just download the direct install file. Alternatively, you could download the file through various apps like tweakbox or ioshack.
  5. Using Google Translate Используйте Tweakbox или iosHack.vip со своего телефона. Это должно работать.
  6. Wanted to try this. Just need to wait for the update. Cheers ma dude.
  7. Tried earlier today and has no issues... Except them damn turrets. I always forget the turrets.