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Everything posted by Abdlrhman

  1. All other versions ( Tw, Vn and Kr/jp ) not ready and not safe we all waiting for update but admin never says when they are gonna be done.
  2. Same like you since yesterday unfair because some people their certificate get revoked and others not.
  3. Why only my certificate got revoked each time.....3 of my friends their certificate never get revoked why just me. When are you gonna replace it .......
  4. @Cz1993 season 13 has started we need a new certificate and an update for Korean version.......this is not fair some people can play and others can’t.
  5. @Cz1993 I stop trying because I faced many errors in Global version and all other versions. ?? 1- install failed please contact admin to check account statues 2- Can’t find App, please contact Administration.
  6. @Cz1993 any update for this version !! Some of us play to be among top100 and we have to start playing from the first day....season will begin today ?
  7. على شو شكرا ياغبي ?? النسخة حدفها المطور عشان عليها باند ?? بس فهمني علي شو شكرا .....ماتقرون التعليقات ياخرفان ??
  8. @Cz1993 please consider making other versions like before without iosgg menu whoever wants to use menu can play with Global version other versions were very smooth and safe with manual DLG codes and slider only. Please take it seriously and you can make a poll to see if the majority of your members wants menu on other versions or not.
  9. Global version is currently safe all other versions not safe at all everything will be fixed soon......but If you know any of the scammers who sell this hack please report to @Cz1993 we don’t want to see an end for this hack again like what happened before in season 6, 7 and 8
  10. Bro long time no see .....where have you been ???? by the way you are not loyal you left us when cz wasn’t providing a good hack ?? got ya ?? but since season 9 his hack has been astonishing ??
  11. Me too 10 mins ban every single game....I delete it and waiting for cz response
  12. Guys Korean version is not playable at all please don’t install or try yourself to make sure. getting 10 mins ban every single match using all method of the two devices. I think @Cz1993 release it in rush without checking if the anti ban is working or not. I believe those who managed to install Korean all of you are getting ban Im totally sure.
  13. It’s working bro ....but dont bother I got 10 mins ban every single match ....I just delete it
  14. I’M NOT SURE I just texted him and explained the issue of Korean version lets hope he will fix it without having to reinstall it.
  15. There is something wrong in the anti ban server of korean version because there is no ban in global version so cz has to consider updating korean version
  16. In korean version Im getting ban in all method ....and you did you get ban in korean or not ?