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Everything posted by Gitano1490

  1. I agree with you ,but you dont know when tencent will strike?It can be anytime even during the game so its just matter of time.
  2. Antenna or slider or whatver it is ,it will make no difrrents ,in the end tencent will get the hack blocked,ita just matter of time, ive played 2 seesion now with this hack with my main hack and i didnt get band,its not like i didnt get reported,i did but mannged not to get banned,i gusse i was lucky,but one day ill be band just like what happend for the ppl before 2 dayes
  3. موقع الشارب شوتر دزه خاص اذا ما تبي في العام لاهنت
  4. طيب اندرويد ماعندك مشكله اسدح لنا الموقع خل الناس الي تبي تشترك تشترك بروحها
  5. للمره الثالثه اسلم من حملات الباند ذي?????الله يعوضكم
  6. Whay the IPA version not working? It keep crash when i start the game
  7. Totaly agree keep it low, u cant just kill someone with uzzi from miles away
  8. Totaly agree keep it low, u cant just kill someone with uzzi from miles away
  9. Was it your main account or guest account? Band in looby or in game? How many ppl u kiled if u were in the game?
  10. For the guys that they saying they got banned,please explane how u got band ,what codes u were using,or lobby band,guset account or main account,dont just say banned and freak every one here
  11. This issue could be from the windows it self i doubt that the issue from the IPA file, i had same issue before the file use to hang and all ,if u could format your pc that would be great just give it a shot
  12. Right now you guys can install the IPA version untill the dircet installed version been released,u can chek the video on fisrt page how to install it, u just need a cydia compator and an itune
  13. So basicly you are saying the direct installed version is working fine,but the IPA version is not?
  14. Plus,when you play the orginal game dose it crash? Or only the hacked version
  15. I gota admit,this version is strong and well peroticted thank u Boss
  16. رديت عليك قبل عزيزي,الاسم تحط الايميل حقك الي رابط فيه الابل ايدي حق تلفونك ولا ايبادك,الباسورد تدخل على موقع ابل وتروح اكاونت سكيورتي في خانه تحت تخليك تسوي باسورد موقت بعرد ما يطلع لك الباسورد الموقت ترجع تحطه في السيديا كومباكتر وراح يشتغل
  17. لا تحط الباسورد الي مرتبط بحساب الابل دش على موقع الابل بعدين روح اكاونت سيكورتي في خيار تسوي باسورد موقت عشان من هناك تاخذ الباسورد وتحطه
  18. do we have to enable the anti revoke???? or this dosent apply for the IPA