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Everything posted by Gitano1490

  1. الدايركت وشابك حسابي عالجيم سنتر وحق الناس الي تقولي ما يصير تلعب ويا ربعك اذا لفلك تحت اشبك عالجيم سنتر وتقدر تلعب ويا اي حد حتى لو لفلك تحت
  2. يختلف من شخص لي شخص انته وحظك?توني لاعبت قيم عسل
  3. Ban will come if you abuse the game,thats a fact ban will come if you get reported thats a fact no.2 ,in the mean time you can jb your device for the futuer if cz released hack with jb,as far as i know many ppl have pubg hack with jb device and it working just fine with them
  4. Just make sure you backup your things first lol ,any way i dont recomend doing jb on personal devecies ,i got an ipad ready for jb and nothing personal on it,just an opinion
  5. You can jilbreak you device with ios that you running now if i were you i will jilbrek it now it beter to stay on lower version
  6. Guys the jilbreak of 12.3 is coming soon ,soo please consider to jilbreak your device it will be easy for you guys to play the hack with jb devcie in the futuer ,so if you guys running on 12.3 do not update to 12.4 , in few days unc0ver jilbreak will be release for 12.3 .
  7. انتظر التحديث خالي لا تستعجل النسخه مكشوفه
  8. لا ولله بس شغال عليه اذا مو اليوم احتمال بكره الصبر جميل
  9. Guys ,if you faceing such issues like hack got detacted ,bannd etc..just answer me this Q, why are you guys still doing here? I belive their is alot of other webiste provied this hack, you can just googel it ,CZ know about this issue and i think his doing his best to provied the hack,i know there is delay i wana play to but ill have to waite ,i know other webistes thats support IOS but it has the to be on JB devices ,untill now this the only website that provieds Dircet install ,yah their is issue and band,but why we dont complain when the game use to be working fine before? We cant just blame the guy for whatsover reason ,if u cant waite simply get andriod device with sharp shooter and done
  10. Reported by whom its a new account with no one,plus i didnt even start the game it didnt even let mo go in the lobby and you telling me i got reported, and yah my network is stable dont even start with chek your network and all