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Everything posted by Gitano1490

  1. نفس المشكله انا العب بالايباد???? لكن عادي بتعود باخذ جهاز ون بلس يمدحونه والروت حقه سهل مو زي السامسونج والهواوي اشتراك الشارب شوتر مشكلته شهري لكن عادي يهون افضل من هالحاله هني
  2. يس عليها باند والكوري باند والعالمي باند باقي التايواني احين بجربه ملينا من هالوضع الله يعين خلاص بحول عالشارب شوتر اخذ لي جهاز اندرويد وافتك
  3. شيل حرف A اخر واحد وارجع اكتبه من جديداخر حرف فقط
  4. Ban10 minets it seems the non jilbreak hack is not gona work with tencent any more,mybe the jilbreak hack will work, in the mean time dont use your main account
  5. العب بحساب وهمي لا تلعب بالاساسي لنه الظاهر في ناس تشتكي من الباند
  6. عطيه وقت في ضغط في التنزيل العالم كلها تنزل
  7. They told you to use fake account first to make sure everything is ok الله يعوضك
  8. Mybe as cz said some devices got blacklisted with tencent thats why some ppl here geting ban ,ive been playing since yestrday with my main account untill now its safe
  9. Its working fine so far.the slider is working just see the instruction
  10. This hack is detacted you will get warrning from Klab
  11. Its not updated it says a A new version is available please go to app store to update, i downloaded the IPA file
  12. Dear jb or no jb if you get reported you are done the jb will not stop ppl from reporting you
  13. Ive been playing since 2 dayes with this version and its fine so far, i can see some ppl are geting ban but i dont think becuse the hack got detcted i gusse its becuse of the reports ,any way am not here to speak for every one ,i just wana say if you still think that the issue with the hack it self, you can just stop using the hack and ask for for refund if there is one ,you can read the terms and condition ,but i dont think you have the right to tell every one to stop using the hack becuse the website want more vips ,spreading rumoers is no good for any one,not every one geting ban some are playing normaly ,as i said before ppl if you still on ios 12.3.1 stay on that version dont upgrade unc0ver jb coming soon and am prety sure the hack with jb will be even more safer,