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Everything posted by imodwbu

  1. Cydia broken ?

    So I had cydia and I tried installing LDOE .DEB hacks and after it said something with mainters and i didn’t know what to do so I looked it up on YouTube and it said it was en error that I had to unjailbreak and jailbreak again so fix this error and I did and I’m jailbroke right now but non of my tweaks are working cydia is but nothing is working and in the Electra app I have tweaks enabled can I please get help message me thru comments or thru PM here or thru discord my discord is : imodwbu#6923
  2. Do y’all know if there’s gonna be an update ? Please
  3. yoo imma better then my friends thanks
  4. yoo its telling me to update and i dont wanna welp
  5. LOWKEY JUST downloading it to show off to my sister im better at her in the game
  6. Ello, my queen. Could you guys re activate me please admin
  7. iOS MobileMine v1.0 [Non-Jailbreak]

    Can't mine bitcoin with this ? But if I get the currency they have it will take for ever to mine