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Everything posted by Alexhacks

  1. this situation is no longer useful??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️
  2. brother there we go to the same thing you think brother, be sure of your work but you do it your nobody else will do it for you
  3. you say you've spent more good money than I tell you that sum of money you do daily bro bose there is no argument to that. Look at my case renewed and without a lie when I get to use the hack I ban my official account where I have a large sum of money invested osea bro, invest time bro to do something good, I hope you have your ace up your sleeve and bought the certified in the app that has a long period of time bone I think you already took the time to be able to have that in x time bro right?? Good luck boss
  4. this is an abuse thousands of dollars a day and can not get a certificate at least from third party, from another person or a company, when there is money involved there is no leatard. invest bro with 2 thousand dollars you solve that problem
  5. f*** (inappropriate word) the damn money of one is worth in damn pag, they banned me my official account and the hack is not good for so much money that they earn they do something good God.
  6. I pay very well to help me recover my account I pay very well to help me recover my account
  7. Does anyone know how to recover the v account? I give money to help me or gmail [email protected]
  8. the wave that I do not understand what is happening if it is true that it is a guaranteed certificate and that you pay for it should not have this problem. I have an app called tweakbox and that app never revonca never has a good and original certificate. is so good that it is an app to download hacked app among others and the app is revoked and the tweakbox app does not and tabn is that it has an ip that stays saved on the cell sorry bro but you are using something bad where you earn thousands of dollars a day. you can buy something better.????